A Thayan Timeline


Disclaimer: This page discusses one view of Thay, an infamously evil, slave-keeping, magocratic country in the Forgotten Realms. This vision is offered for entertainment purposes for adults only. I do not condone anything described; quite the opposite. Please read with discretion, and feel free to stop anytime. Before you use any ideas herein, please gain your group's full consent to engage the material.



Clo by Jeleynai

"Clo" by Jeleynai (resized) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


Why & How I Made This

As a country, Thay is relatively new, but as a people, Thayans have been developing for millennia. It's incredibly helpful to have their history on hand, but it's spread across different books and needs to be pinned down. More details can be found in books like the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3rd edition), Unapproachable East, Lost Empires of Faerun, Champions of Ruin, the Grand History of the Realms, and Lords of Darkness.

Entries in this timeline drawn from canon sources are in plain text. Those which pertain to House Valgon and events created for our campaign are italicized. You can read more about enclave dates in my writeup on the embassies.

Please note: I will not be using or reporting on canon events regarding Thay after 1371. Feel free to alter this timeline to suit your own needs.





The newly created drow flee to the Underdark beneath what will become the Plateau of Thay.


Imaskari tribes settle in the Raurin Desert area.


Plague decimates Imaskari tribes.


  • Twin portals created to abduct slaves

  • Barrier erected to block their gods.


Gods send avatars; slave revolt begins.


  • Imaskari Empire falls.

  • Raurin Desert created.


Skuld founded, becoming the capital of Mulhorand.


Unthalass founded, becoming the capital of Unther.


First Unther-Mulhorandi war begins.


Thayd leads revolt against Mulhorand and Unther by taking over the northern territories.


Thayd and his conspirators are defeated.


  • The Orcgate Wars begin in Thayan region as orcs flood into the area from an opened portal.

  • Mulhorandi claims the upper Plateau while Unther claims the Wizard's Reach.


The Orcgate is destroyed and remaining orcs are defeated in the Priador.


Nentyarch builds capital and starts uniting Nar kingdoms.


All Nar kingdoms united in the empire of Narfell.


Nar and Raumathari Empires rise to prominence.

-623 to -160

War between Narfell and Raumathar.


  • Narfell and Raumathar destroy each other.

  • Eltab summoned and demoncysts appear.

  • Kensten was destroyed when the Nar army rushed to meet secret Raumathari forces amassing there.

  • An avatar of Kossuth was summoned and laid waste to both sides.


Eltab claims Rashemen for himself.


Mulhorandi re-found the Raumathar settlement of Kensten (modern Bezantur) when claiming territory formerly held by the Raumathar.


Illuskan tribe, the berserking Rus, arrived in eastern Faerun via malfunctioning portal.


  • Rashemen liberated by alliance of Rashemi, Rus and Raumviran witches

  • Eltab bound in Sharawood.


Followers of Myrkul discover and deal with Eltab and found Eltabranar.


Eltab defeated in battle with Mulhorand and bound beneath Thaymount.


Eltabranar population forced to flee as Mulhorand and Unther reclaim territory


  • Sacking of Delhumide.

  • Eltab freed by Jorgmacdon to fight in the battle of Thazalhar.

  • Thay declared independent.


The demon Eltab is bound beneath Eltabbar.


Red Wizards try to invade Rashemen via Gorge of Gauros but fail.


Mulhorandi invasion of Thay repelled.


Zulkirs established as rulers of Thay.


Zulkirs crush last opposition to their rule.


Thay captures Nethjet and Nethentir.


Thayan invasion of Mulhorand fails.


Thay marches on Phent but fails.


Thay's first invasion of Aglarond.


Thayans attack Aglarond; driven back.


Aglarond launches invasion of Thay but fails.


Thay launches invasion of Mulhorand that ravages Murghom.


Antek Valgon born.


Falda Csittanko born.


Boris Valgon born.


  • Gulyas Valgon born.

  • Arkhod Volkos born.


  • Vadalma Valgon born.

  • Derogna Shanived born.


Lee'voth Valgon born.


Imourad Valgon born.


Zelsea Valgon born.


  • Great Inner Sea Plague ravages coast. Thay withdraws from Wizard's Reach to escape it.

  • Cezria Indolf born.


  • Zulkir of enchantment leads plan to control influential people via dreams but fails.

  • Halav Kallos born.


Fury Valgon born.


  • Ivistra Gallegos born.

  • Othilla Valgon born.


E'luaz Eremal born.


Boris sacrifices his firstborn son the day of the child's birth (name unknown).


A limnic eruption occurs in Lake Thaylambar, suffocating Falda and others in boats out on the lake at the time.


Balogh Valgon born.


  • Samas Kul becomes Master of the Guild of Foreign Trade, a minor post at the time.

  • Berach Valgon born.


Rayek Valgon born.


  • First Thayan enclave created in Procampur.

  • Arkhod killed on a diplomatic mission to help set up an enclave.


  • Raven's Bluff opens an enclave.

  • Ulkar Valgon born.

  • Antek dies in a magical "accident” in the family house, along with his heir and only child, Lee'voth.


  • Enclave established in Yhaunn.

  • Othilla and E'luaz marry.

  • Azonia Valgon born.

  • Repairs finished on damaged sections of House Valgon in Eltabbar.


Gelina Rhaenys born.


  • Enclave opened in Calaunt.

  • Miklos Valgon born.


  • Telflamm opens a Thayan enclave, which becomes the largest.

  • Nauthira Valgon born.


  • Kano Valgon born.

  • Derogna Valgon dies.


  • Mulmaster opens an enclave.

  • Isa Valgon born.


  • Hillsfar agrees to an enclave, after being courted alongside Mulmaster.

  • Jera Valgon born.

  • Ulkar tested for arcane aptitude.

  • Thay sends an army of elementals to bring Escalant, Murbant, and Thasselen to heel by opening a gate to the Plane of Fire. Fails to keep their promise to make a permanent portal, so the elementals turn on them and devastate the Priador before Aznar Thrul calls on Kossuth to help; called the Salamander War.

  • Balogh Valgon dies in battle.

  • Halav Kallos vanishes on a mission and never returns.


  • Time of Troubles.

  • Imaskari planar barrier dissolved by Ao.

  • Mulhorandi deities leave.


  • Tuigan Horde invades Thay. Szass Tam negotiates a truce. Horde allowed to pass through Thay.

  • Messemprar agrees to an enclave in the wake of Gilgeam's demise.

  • Berach Valgon goes to "guide” horde out with his wife; they never return.


  • Saerloon is finally impressed at the spread of enclaves and hosts one of its own.

  • Ulkar Valgon is sent to the wizard academy, albeit several years late.


  • Thay tries to invade Mulhorand via the Golden Way but is turned back by water elementals, but scorch the earth in their wake.

  • Maligor tries to take control of Thay from the Council but is killed by Szass Tam and unlikely allies.

  • Ivistra Valgon runs away with her lover, Enim Thullos. They are apprehended and summarily executed by her husband. The story is given that she was kidnapped and killed, with due vengeance given.


  • An enclave is opened in Hlondeth's great port.

  • Gulyas Valgon dies in flagrante delicto.


  • Thay invades Aglarond with a split army.

  • Later, Thay invades Rashemen.

  • Fury marries Gelina Rhaenys.


Salia Valgon born.


Hlath agrees to an enclave.


  • Enclaves open in Cimbar, Phsant, Proskur, Tsurlagol.

  • Vadalma Valgon dies of old age.

  • Ulkar is accepted back at home.


  • The island called the Ship of the Gods explodes, causing tidal waves that swamp Alaor and Bezantur. Mulhorhand briefly seizes the Alaor.

  • Thay attacks Aglarond in winter.

  • Enclaves are established in Calimport, Innarlith, and Scardale.


  • Thay retakes the Alaor.

  • Enclaves open in Westgate, Waterdeep, Selgaunt, and Iriaebor.

  • Dmitra Flass weds Selfaril, High Blade of Mulmaster.

  • The Tower of Swift Death outside Tyraturos is rededicated to Cyric, over a decade after Bhaal's death.


  • Mulhorand launches invasion of Unther; Red Wizards funnel gold and magic into Unther to oppose Mulhorand.

  • The Zulkirs offer a truce to Aglarond, which is accepted.

  • Hill's Edge opens an enclave; Athkatla does, as well.


  • Mulsantir refuses to establish an enclave but allows ambassador Khalia to leave peacefully.

  • Baldur's Gate and Marsember agree to enclaves.


Scornubel, Soorenar, and Triel establish enclaves.


  • Thay opens an enclave in Kourmira, in Tuigan territory.

  • Jera Valgon forcibly impregnated by a summoned entity.

  • Thurisa Valgon born.


  • Original starting year of the campaign.

  • Earthquake in Eleint.

  • Boris Valgon goes missing; discovered to be alive by the end of the year, his whereabouts remain unknown.

  • Azonia acquires a shop and opens it with a hidden temple beneath.

  • Nauthira and Miklos leave the family.

  • Azonia marries Roniran Gallegos.

  • Ulkar becomes a Red Wizard and is claimed by them.

  • Rayek ascends to head of house Valgon in Eltabbar.

  • Vaelan established an enclave, the first near Durpar.


  • Tyraturos sends Dralas and Augustus to Eltabbar.

  • Discover that all demons seem to have left Delhumide, with no obvious cause.

  • Azonia sabotages Greengrass festival.

  • Explosions and sabotage rock Eltabbar on Midsummer, leading wide slave suppression.

  • Samira Valgon born on Shieldmeet.

  • Gelina flees the country.

  • Rayek marries Lorna Zurn.

  • Cathyr agrees to an enclave after years of tempestuous dealings with the half-drow leaders of Dambrath.


  • Jera married into House Volkos, then leaves Thay.

  • Esvetta of Surthay and Kadmos of Bezantur join the house in Eltabbar; Kadmos leaves after a few months.

  • Viktor Valgon of Tyraturos is accepted in Eltabbar.

  • Augustus buys and opens a ludus.

  • Amruthar rebels in Tarsakh.

  • Great hunt of overpopulated dragon turtles on Lake Thaylamar by Eltabbarn nobles in Flamerule.

  • Grand swarm of cloakers directed away from Eltabbar, through Thay, and toward Aglarond in Eleasis.

  • Lorna gives birth to Cezonia.

  • Attack on Bezantur by Umberlee, taking down Temple of Kossuth and Guild of Foreign Trade in Eleint; sabotage of the area's magical defenses suspected.

  • "The Burning March," a play by Igan Nymar commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Salamander War, takes Eltabbar's theater district by storm in Marpenoth.

  • Eltabbar noble house census expands in Uktar (10 youths, 20 adults, 8 elders).

  • Augustus Valgon marries Tari Govannon.


  • House Valgon expansion in Eltabbar completed.

  • Sugornas Daramos becomes Tharchion of Thazalhar when his father dies in Tarsakh.

  • Troop buildup in Lapendrar fueled by the success of Salamander War play. Amruthar crushed into compliance; Tharchion of Lapendrar is publicly executed and replaced with Yamera Autorian in Kythorn.

  • Azonia gives birth to Rayvistryn.

  • Nethjet is subdued.

  • Tari gives birth to Lashala.

  • Slave rebellion put down in Hurkh in Eleasis.

  • The magical weather net is brought down around Nethentir to make them suffer winter and soften them up, a Thayan first, in Eleint.

  • Rumors of civil war in Mulhorand reach Thay, and Thay sends support (magic and gold) in Marpenoth.

  • Nethentir capitulates, ending the Lapendrar uprising in Uktar.

  • Ulkar marries Myrlana Dasselath.

  • Word reaches Eltabbar in Nightal that Tharchioness Azhir Kren has died while attacking Rashemen on the way back from Nethentir; Gauros in an uproar without a clear successor.


  • House Valgon petitions for a temple to Samora in The Zoo.

  • Riots in Gauros.

  • Vesdan Szollos, an elven former slave, becomes a contender to be the tharcion of Gauros, to much controversy.

  • A great battle takes place to determine the next tharchion of Gauros, leading to deaths, serious injuries, attempts to flee, and sabotage. Vesdan Szollos comes out the winner and moved to the capital of Denzar.

  • Armies sent to Murghom to try to take it as Mulhorandi civil war drags on.

  • First celebration of Samora's Rise with the approval of a temple in Eltabbar.


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