Choose Your Destination


Since the late 90s, I've made websites for TTRPG games I've run or played for more than a few sessions.

The oldest is my WoD site, since my first experience as a player was in that setting. A handful of years later, I started running for the first tim eand created my Dungeons and Dragons site. I've added a few others over the years that didn't last as long but were still fun, and I run a Facebook fan page where I get to interact with the community.

I figured that since I was creating and observing things for my games, I might as well share them with others. None of my sites keep up with the latest trends, but they offer a lot of food for thought and material that can be translated into new games. In the spirit of community, all of my sites are free to read and use.

I hope you enjoy reading them and thinking over how you game and why!

dice divider bar by Ramona

Table of Contents

Kismet's Dragon Age

Discussing the game by Green Ronin (1e)

Kismet's Dungeons & Dragons

Focused on D&D, Pathfinder, and fantasy gaming in general

Kismet's Gamer Gathering

Gaming news, art, and geekery on Facebook

Kismet's Guide to Thay

A blog that develops Thay in the Forgotten Realms

Kismet's World of Darkness

Featuring Classic WoD + Chronicles of Darkness

Stargate SG-1

Resources for SG-1 games in d20 and other systems

dice divider bar by Ramona


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Resources are free for personal use; please do not offer them for sale or claim them as your own work.

Please do not repost material elsewhere; link to this site instead. Thank you, and happy gaming!