Since the late 90s, I've made websites for TTRPG games I've run or played for more than a few sessions.
The oldest is my WoD site, since my first experience as a player was in that setting. A handful of years later, I started running for the first tim eand created my Dungeons and Dragons site. I've added a few others over the years that didn't last as long but were still fun, and I run a Facebook fan page where I get to interact with the community.
I figured that since I was creating and observing things for my games, I might as well share them with others. None of my sites keep up with the latest trends, but they offer a lot of food for thought and material that can be translated into new games. In the spirit of community, all of my sites are free to read and use.
I hope you enjoy reading them and thinking over how you game and why!
Table of Contents |
Discussing the game by Green Ronin (1e) |
Focused on D&D, Pathfinder, and fantasy gaming in general |
Gaming news, art, and geekery on Facebook |
A blog that develops Thay in the Forgotten Realms |
Featuring Classic WoD + Chronicles of Darkness |
Resources for SG-1 games in d20 and other systems |
Resources are free for personal use; please do not offer them for sale or claim them as your own work.
Please do not repost material elsewhere; link to this site instead. Thank you, and happy gaming!