Hit Dice |
Hit Dice Price |
Bonus HP |
Construct Health Traits |
Constructs cannot heal on their own (unless they have fast healing) but can be repaired. They are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain and they are not at risk from massive damage. They are immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less, and cannot be raised or resurrected. Constructs do not sleep, eat, or breathe. |
Total AC |
Size Mod |
Dex Mod |
Construct Armor Traits |
Constructs are proficient with no armor. |
Total Skill Points |
Skill Ranks |
Cost |
Total Hide |
Size Bonus + Dex Mod |
Ranks in Hide |
Attribute |
Base Value |
Adjusted Value |
Cost |
Fortitude |
Reflex |
Will |
Construct Immunities |
Constructs have immunity to all mind-affecting effects, immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects and necromancy effects and immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless it works on objects or is harmless). |
Name |
Details |
Cost |
Low-light vision |
N/A (construct) |
Darkvision |
Up to 60 ft. |
N/A (construct) |
Base Attack Bonus |
Total Atk Mod |
Size Bonus |
Base Atk Mod |
Total Grapple Mod |
Size Bonus + Str Mod |
Base Atk Mod |
Construct Weapon traits |
They are proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally humanoid in form, in which case they are proficient with any weapon they are made with. |
Type |
Atk Bonus |
Damage |
Cost |
Slam |
N/A (construct) |
Type |
Details |
Cost |
Magic Item |
Spell(s) |
Charges/Day |
Cost |
Name |
Details |
Cost |
Name |
Details |
Discount |
Type |
Location |
Price |
Reach |
Size Category |
Space & Dimension |
Reach |
Weight |
Base Range |
Adjusted Range |
Carrying Capacity |
Type |
Base Value |
Adjusted Value |
Cost |
Land Speed |
Fly Speed |
Maneuver |
Swim Speed |
N/A (construct) |
Burrow |
N/A (construct) |
Portion |
Material Type |
Hardness |
Weight Mod |
Cost |
Single Layer |
Inner Layer |
Outer Layer |
Portion |
Max Creatures |
Hardness |
Cost |
Hollow Belly |
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