"Toolcraft Exemplar_MTG" by Zezhou (resized) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Each construct begins with a base land speed, as listed in Table 12. This speed can be accepted as it is, or it can be altered. Additional feet can be purchased using this formula: (base speed – desired speed) squared x 15 gp. Please note the restrictions on maximum speed also listed below.
Table 11 – Base & Minimum Land Speed |
Type |
Base Speed |
Maximum Speed |
Tiny, Diminutive, or Small biped |
15 ft |
30 ft |
Medium biped |
20 ft |
40 ft |
Large biped |
30 ft |
50 ft |
Tiny, Diminutive, or Small quadruped |
30 ft |
50 ft |
Medium quadruped |
30 ft |
50 ft |
Large quadruped |
30 ft |
60 ft |
A construct can be made with wings that allow them to fly so long as they have not been affected by a weight modifier (see Step 2: Materials). Wings that are purchased allow constructs to fly at a base speed of 10, with a clumsy maneuverability rating.
Table 12 – Wing Cost by Size |
Type |
Wing Cost* |
Tiny Construct |
10 gp |
Diminutive Construct |
20 gp |
Small Construct |
30 gp |
Medium Construct |
40 gp |
Large Construct |
50 gp |
* This cost is for a pair of wings that is made out of the base materials of the construct (additional material is not added).
The cost to increase a construct's base flying speed above 10 is: the number of additional feet x 5 gp. The maximum flying speed available through this method is 100 feet per round.
In order to increase a construct's flying maneuverability, refer to Table 14 below.
Table 13 – Increasing Maneuverability |
Maneuverability Rating |
Cost Per Upgrade* |
Poor |
20 gp |
Average |
50 gp |
Good |
100 gp |
Perfect |
300 gp |
*These rates are cumulative; so, in order to set a construct's flying maneuverability to Perfect, it would cost a total of 470 gp.
Constructs do not come with a base swimming speed; all such speed must be purchased separately. A construct is not able to gain a swim speed if its weight has been affected by a weight modifier (see Step 2: Materials). Swim speed may be purchased at a rate of 5 gp per foot. The maximum swim speed available through this method is 50 feet per round.
Constructs do not come with a base burrowing speed; all such speed must be purchased separately. Burrowing speed may be purchased at a rate of 10 gp per foot. Constructs that have a hardness rating are made of sturdier materials and have an easier time burrowing. Once the burrowing ability is purchased, a construct gets a bonus one-half foot for every 2 points of hardness rating it possesses (rounded down). The maximum burrowing speed available through this method is 50 feet per round.
A construct can gain access to spells with the addition of magical items that grant them. These items are use-activated since they are placed within the construct's body, and they also tend to have a limited number of uses per day. The formula to create a use-activated item is spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp; if it has charges per day, divide by (5 divided by the number of charges per day). These are not typical magical items made for character use; they are simply enchanted stones meant to be placed inside a construct. If the construct is destroyed and a magical stone is left intact, it can be set into jewelry or other items and worn, granting its spells to the wearer.
Most Special Attacks/Qualities can be added to constructs of any size. However, some special forms will not be of much benefit to certain constructs. For example: since Diminutive sized constructs can only trample enemies smaller than they are, they probably won't be able to use the ability very often. The information provided here is specifically related to constructs; refer to the Monster Manual and/or the Dungeon Master's Guide for full details.
Please note that in order for a construct to have special attacks or qualities, it must weigh the maximum amount for its size category. For example, a tiny construct must weigh 8 pounds and the materials cost for this extra weight must be paid before it can be given any special attack or quality.
Choose one attribute that the construct will drain, and choose the type of damage die that will be used. Each ability drain will use only one type of damage die (different types of dice cannot be mixed). Ability damage can be inflicted by touch, through the construct's slam attack, or any other natural attack the construct possesses (note that it cannot invoke ability drain through a man-made weapon). The DC to save against a construct's ability drain is 10 + 1/2 construct's hit die + Cha modifier (if any).
Table 14 – Damage Die for Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Ability Drain |
Damage Die Type |
Cost Per Die* |
1d2 |
45 gp |
1d3 |
113 gp |
1d4 |
225 gp |
1d6 |
450 gp |
1d8 |
750 gp |
* Maximum of 3 damage dice versus any one attribute.
Table 15 – Damage Die for Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Ability Drain |
Damage Die Type |
Cost Per Die* |
1d2 |
90 gp |
1d3 |
225 gp |
1d4 |
450 gp |
1d6 |
900 gp |
1d8 |
1500 gp |
* Maximum of 3 damage dice versus any one attribute.
A construct can have a breath weapon of cold, fire, acid, lightning, or sonic effect. A breath weapon can be in a cone, or a line (see Table 15 below). One type of damage die must be chosen per breath weapon (different types of dice cannot be mixed). A breath weapon can only be used once every 1d6 rounds. The DC to save against a construct's ability drain is 10 + 1/2 construct's hit die.
Table 16 – Damage Die for Breath Weapons |
Damage Die Type |
Cost Per Die* |
1d2 |
30 gp |
1d3 |
75 gp |
1d4 |
150 gp |
1d6 |
300 gp |
1d8 |
500 gp |
* Maximum of 10 damage dice
Table 17 – Breath Weapon Area of Effect |
Size of Construct |
Line* (Length) |
Cone** (Length) |
Diminutive |
20 ft |
10 ft |
Tiny |
30 ft |
15 ft |
Small |
40 ft |
20 ft |
Medium |
60 ft |
30 ft |
Large |
80 ft |
40 ft |
* A line is 5 feet high and 5 feet wide regardless of a construct's size.
** A cone is as high and wide as it is long.
This feature works as per the rules in the Monster Manual.
Table 18 – Constitution Damage Die |
Damage Die Type |
Cost Per Die* |
1d2 |
30 gp |
1d3 |
75 gp |
1d4 |
150 gp |
1d6 |
300 gp |
1d8 |
500 gp |
* Maximum of 4 damage dice
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