Kismet's Fantasy Gaming Articles


succubus gate by macarious

"succubus gate" by macarious (resized) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0


These articles are for players and Game Masters, so browse whatever interests you. While many refer to D&D, most can easily apply to different fantasy systems and settings. If you'd like to ask for advice or suggest topics or materials to review, feel free to let me know.

Take the opportunity to analyze how similar concepts work in your games. Use whatever advice applies to your group and needs. And if my views don't work for you, that's fine - you took a moment to think and gain perspective, and that's always valuable.

dice divider bar by Ramona dice divider bar by Ramona


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Resources are free for noncommercial use with credit to Kismet Rose and a link to Kismet's D&D.

Thank you, and happy gaming!


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