Royalty-free alphabet by ractapopulous
As a tabletop player, you might have to roll up a new character out of the blue. But what do you name them? Sure, you can go with the first thing that comes to mind - and Bob the elven ranger might be fun - but you can find something more thematic with ease with my name lists. Pick a first letter that appeals, go to that page, and skim until something stands out. Then download the Google Sheets version to have on hand whenever you need it! Whether you're making a new character becacuse of a TPK or a new campaign, you'll never need to restort to Bob again!
Use these names for your characters and places! |
Fadilah |
Fadrinne |
Faduma |
Faedowin |
Faelar |
Faellorn |
Faelon |
Faerindyl |
Faertala |
Faervian |
Faeryl |
Fafnir |
Fahad |
Fahren |
Failona |
Faino |
Fairese |
Faisal |
Faitir |
Faizal |
Falal |
Falana |
Falda |
Faldorn |
Faldranafari |
Faldranafari |
Falean |
Faleeta |
Falencia |
Falesya |
Falguni |
Faline |
Falisa |
Falmari |
Falor |
Falrinn |
Falun |
Falvel |
Famal |
Famien |
Famulus |
Fanaxan |
Fandrice |
Fanette |
Fanitra |
Fansalia |
Fanshaw |
Fanya |
Faradun |
Faragoth |
Farano |
Faranos |
Farazon |
Farbel |
Fardis |
Farduk |
Fargill |
Fargoth |
Farhan |
Farhana |
Fari |
Farica |
Farid |
Farisa |
Farnak |
Farokh |
Farraglen |
Farrand |
Farrelyn |
Farshad |
Farzeen |
Faston |
Fathusa |
Faulkas |
Faun |
Faunce |
Favian |
Favian |
Favio |
Faxon |
Fayas |
Fayina |
Fayralen |
Fazal |
Fazeel |
Fazilsha |
Fazlur |
Feargus |
Feben |
Feblone |
Fedelia |
Fega |
Feilin |
Felegis |
Felenas |
Felgie |
Felina |
Felizardo |
Felmar |
Felnette |
Felosia |
Felrose |
Felssie |
Felsur |
Felten |
Femi |
Fenan |
Fendar |
Fenella |
Fennicia |
Fennon |
Fensalir |
Fenuku |
Fenwick |
Fenyra |
Feorus |
Feramuz |
Ferenzi |
Feride |
Ferik |
Ferinel |
Ferley |
Fernadel |
Fernell |
Ferol |
Ferolino |
Feronia |
Ferosario |
Feroz |
Ferozali |
Ferran |
Ferrandon |
Ferretti |
Ferria |
Fersaith |
Ferson |
Ferund |
Fervira |
Feryn |
Ferzandra |
Festillard |
Festo |
Fetizza |
Fetrell |
Fetton |
Fexiana |
Fharl |
Fhely |
Fhydris |
Fiammetta |
Fideles |
Fidencio |
Fiera |
Fildaris |
Filonia |
Filoteo |
Filsane |
Filton |
Filverius |
Fincoll |
Findlaire |
Findlay |
Findocore |
Findolor |
Finius |
Finna |
Fintira |
Fiona |
Fiorella |
Fiorwan |
Firdos |
Firisara |
Fitzie |
Flaenia |
Flameshadow |
Flande |
Flarinda |
Flass |
Flaviano |
Flidais |
Flora |
Floradel |
Florian |
Florian |
Florimell |
Floshin |
Flulia |
Flydian |
Focar |
Foebinder |
Folara |
Folcoerr |
Folkshield |
Folmoric |
Foluso |
Folvys |
Fonya |
Forak |
Foriana |
Forice |
Foriloth |
Forshunna |
Forstid |
Foryn |
Fostengar |
Fournier |
Fraktar |
Frangi |
Frantisek |
Frantresca |
Franulfo |
Franzel |
Franziska |
Frathess |
Frea |
Frebec |
Frebelle |
Fredegar |
Frelan |
Frenn |
Frerek |
Freward |
Freynold |
Frikhesp |
Frisk |
Frocyn |
Froisson |
Froma |
Frostdale |
Frotak |
Fuamach |
Fulvia |
Fulvio |
Fumi |
Funjega |
Furst |
Fuxina |
Fynolt |
Fynwick |
Fyren |
Fyrose |
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Resources are free for noncommercial use with credit to Kismet Rose and a link to Kismet's D&D.
Thank you, and happy gaming!