Royalty-free alphabet by ractapopulous
Sometimes you need a fantasy name, and you need it right now. As a Game Master, you never know when players will take a sudden interest in a random NPC you never intended to name. You'll want a moniker that sounds just right - something in keeping with the character, their origins, and the setting - but the perfect one might not come to mind quickly.
This is where my fantasy name lists come in! Click a random page or one with names that start with a particular letter. Scroll down and pick the first one that feels right or skim until you find the right one. Or download your own copy in Google Sheets and mark off names as you use them. Either way, you'll get what you need fast!
Use these names for your characters and places! |
Iadara |
Iamar |
Iavunabus |
Ibalida |
Ibaymma |
Ibbett |
Ibrech |
Ibron |
Icenas |
Iceni |
Icharyd |
Icob |
Icoxiri |
Idaeus |
Idalmis |
Idania |
Idrael |
Idris |
Idros |
Idwa |
Idwold |
Ifwin |
Igan |
Igerdrazaar |
Ignac |
Ignas |
Igraine |
Ikarthis |
Ikshada |
Ilara |
Ilba |
Ilbratha |
Ileosa |
Iletra |
Ilfalas |
Ilges |
Iliphel |
Iljura |
Illag |
Illemis |
Illian |
Illykur |
Ilmari |
Ilmaro |
Ilmeth |
Ilmonish |
Ilona |
Ilunda |
Ilurende |
Iluska |
Ilyssa |
Ilza |
Imala |
Imare |
Imas |
Imayn |
Imbolc |
Imbros |
Imia |
Imladris |
Immizel |
Imoen |
Imourad |
Imrabeth |
Imraloen |
Imran |
Imrathan |
Imrian |
Imruele |
Imrunath |
Imvanie |
Imythedralen |
Inalee |
Inassco |
Inaya |
Indanath |
Indilbar |
Indira |
Indolf |
Indre |
Indrele |
Indrenna |
Induna |
Ineko |
Inessa |
Inga |
Inglix |
Inix |
Inok |
Inthaels |
Inthia |
Intier |
Intira |
Invarri |
Inzuri |
Ioakim |
Ioelera |
Iolana |
Iolkos |
Iomedae |
Ionian |
Ioniva |
Iormas |
Ipsissimo |
Iraida |
Iraldur |
Irashalee |
Ireana |
Ired |
Irena |
Irenicus |
Ireti |
Iriaebor |
Iridna |
Irion |
Irlinda |
Irlos |
Irmar |
Irolo |
Ironbeard |
Ironguts |
Ironhand |
Irori |
Irulana |
Iruna |
Isalis |
Isambard |
Isania |
Iseta |
Isfrael |
Ishala |
Ishaporath |
Ishkur |
Iskruel |
Ismenia |
Isoke |
Ispa |
Ispah |
Ispam |
Ispasia |
Isphet |
Israkahn |
Issho |
Issini |
Istelyn |
Istendrynn |
Istocios |
Istorenil |
Isvela |
Isztea |
Ithan |
Ithos |
Ithrylda |
Ithuriel |
Itran |
Iubadan |
Ivalas |
Ivelisse |
Iver |
Ivistra |
Ivoros |
Ixion |
Ixxine |
Iyadur |
Iyarim |
Iymrauth |
Izanagi |
Izaura |
Izmur |
Izrabal |
Izragan |
Izzali |
Resources are free for personal use; please do not offer them for sale or claim them as your own work.
Please do not repost material elsewhere; link to this site instead. Thank you, and happy gaming!